ENEDI researchers participate in Metabuilding Labs, a new Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) platform for the construction industry in Europe, funded by the Horizon 2020 program, is currently operating in 12 EU and associated countries. It provides simplified access to over 100 testing facilities and essential services for developing, testing, and scaling new building components. Metabuilding Labs can assist companies and users in developing innovative products, particularly those related to the building envelope, from laboratory validation (TRL4)* to full-scale prototypes in controlled environments and pilot operations with user involvement (TRL7+)*.

* TRL = Technology Readiness Level ranging from TRL1 (idea) to TRL9 (market introduction).

The Metabuilding Labs OITB catalog offers more than 749 testing trials, covering 114 categories of construction products, including 177 services that use innovative testing methods or facilities. The building envelope products covered by Metabuilding Labs OITB include 20 product families and 53 categories, according to the classification of the European Construction Products  Regulation (CPR).

More in: www.metabuilding-labs.eu