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Metabuilding lab project
ENEDI researchers participate in Metabuilding Labs, a new Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) platform for the construction industry in Europe, funded by...

The researchers who presented a topic on a line of research on which they are working were: Pello Larrinaga Alonso, Mikel Garro Aguilar and Carlos...

Can solar desalination be small and beautiful? A critical review of existing technology under the appropriate technology paradigm
Many territories have limited access to fresh water, so there is an urgent need to develop technologies to purify the available water resources. Some...

The researchers who presented a topic on a line of research are: Iker Gonzalez Pino, Irati Prol Godoy and Koldo Martin...

V Webinar ENEDI
The researchers who presented a topic on a line of research they are working on were: Jon Terés Zubiaga, Lourdes Bouzas Vila and Jose Antonio...